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Wounded Healer
By his stripes we are healed
Take up your bed and walk
Rise up and walk
Your faith has healed you

This morning’s Three Minute Retreat asks, “When have I experienced the healing grace of Jesus in my life?”

20170526_145224-1This week. This experience allowed me to make a couple of decisions for a couple of projects I’m working on. Earlier in the week I had a conversation with a friend that started shifting my perspective in how I own what I do as a quiltrepreneur. Later that evening as I talked with another friend about the Quilted Block of the Month I’m hosting on TerifiCreations I stopped asking for permission to do what I know is right for the project, and made the decision to just do it.

Janie* reminded me that I’m standing on my own two feet, and walking upright, I’m no longer crawling. And owning that, owning what I know, what I have to offer is a good thing. So when I talked to Beth* and gave up the doubt, the need for permission to do this project the way I was thinking it should be done something shifted in my head and heart. On-going self doubt took a seat, and I stood up to walk and take care of the things that needed taking care of.

*not her real name

20170527_125003As I talked with Beth I experienced this moment of standing up. It was incredible. I’ll need to work on this but by God’s grace I’ll hold onto this gift, and continue sharing it. This gift of letting go of self-doubt is something I strive for in my students. I’ll be honest, there are moments this self-doubt has stopped me cold. Over the last few months little moments of clarity, and confidence have crept through giving me enough strength to apply to teach again, to submit a book proposal, to consider competing again, and to finish the dang quilt that’s on the table.

There will be moments when I’ll fall, skin my knees, need to use the seam ripper, screw something up (that happened the very next day), and I’ll need to get back up, make new stitches, recut fabric, adjust what I’m thinking and how I’m saying things, colors I’m using. It’s all part of the healing process.

God bless!



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